Yu Cao 曹宇

  Research Engineer

  Bloomberg, New York, NY

I am a Research Engineer/Senior Software Engineer in Bloomberg focused on developing pricing algorithms for fix-income market. Before Bloomberg, I gained a master degree as PhD dropout from distributed systems research team in Computer Science Department, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. During the time at NYU, I interned at Bytedance Applied Machine Learning and AWS AI. Prior to NYU, I had my B.E and M.S in Beihang University.

Before coming to NYU, my research interest was in machine vision applying conventional geometry and computer vision using machine learning methods. My master thesis is on the topic of Indoor Navigation Oriented Visual SLAM Technology. I spent a great half year on internship in Face++.

Please find my CV.


Publications and tech report


Serving DNN Models with Multi-Instance GPUs: A Case of the Reconfigurable Machine Scheduling Problem
Cheng Tan, Zhichao Li, Jian Zhang, Yu Cao, Sikai Qi, Zherui Liu, Yibo Zhu, Chuanxiong Guo


Fast and Resource-efficient Hardware Implementation of Modified Line Segment Detector
Fuqiang Zhou*, Yu Cao*, Xinming Wang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2018
IEEE pdf


Minimal Non-Linear Camera Pose Estimation Method Using Lines for SLAM Application
Yu Cao, Haishu Tan, Fuqiang Zhou
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018.
IEEE pdf


Human Centric Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
Jianwen Jiang, Yu Cao, Lin Song, Shiwei Zhang, Yunkai Li, Ziyao Xu, Qian Wu, Chuang Gan, Chi Zhang, Gang Yu
Tech Report of ActivityNet Large Scale Activity Recognition Challenge 2018 (CVPRW), 2018.